Сведения об образовательной организации

11/11/2014 VII Международная научная интернет-конференция "Общество, общности, человек : в поисках "вечного мира"

Martin Gjorgjiev


                                     Shtip, Makedonija


Personality refers to individual differences in the features as thinking, feeling and behavior.

It is inevitable to talk about the person as a unit of society before we talk about the search for eternal world.

To understand the person  as a persona  it should be regarded as a rational system that thinks, fears, hopes.

The family is the pillar of society. Chain which is inseparable. The relationship between mother and father influence a lot on the correct psychological development of the child. The mother is the one who gives the life. Since when the person exists she is responsible  for raising the child, therefore it is sung in many songs.  Maternal love is irreplaceable. She is very important for the mental development of the child. The father is a very important figure in the family. He is the one that provides security, stability and support of the child.

The person is a collection of emotional, thought and behavioral characteristics unique to the person who is consistent in that time. The idea that we can understand ourselves and others categorizing the ways in which we experience, react and treat physical and social activities the world has a long tradition. With psychology as an academic discipline, theories of the person and techniques for measuring personality and individual differences have developed significantly.

Personality consists of three parts: ID, ego and SUPER ego.

ID segment consists of our primitive instincts and is based on satisfaction. These parts have no real perception of reality and are looking only to meet the needs. According Freud these kinds of processes are primary which dominate in the livelihood of children, including hunger and self-protection.

The energy required for these actions exhausted from the libido and consists of two instincts:

Eros: The life instinct  that motivate people to focus on tendencies  in the search for pleasure (sex drive)

Tanatos: The death instinct that motivates people to be aggressive towards destruction.


Unlike the ID, the ego is aware of the reality and the consequences of the proceedings.  It includes the effects of social rules that are necessary for life and socializing with other people. Uses secondary processes: perception, recognition,  memory and judgment that develop during childhood. Ego is the one  that needs to balance between ID and super-ego.

Super ego

The super ego acts in contrary of ID section, it acts according to social norms. It controls our sense of good, bad and felling of guilt. It allows us to adapt to the society that makes it socially acceptable behavior.

According to Franz Boaz, pioneer of psychological anthropology, on personality development affects culture i.e. society in which the individual develops rather than genetics.

Most authors characterize take, create, hand over as a condition of eternal life including family and society as a major factor or creator of that eternal world. Personality is the creator of the eternal world that is established as the most human act of humanity.


Personality is a complex of three parts: ID, Ego and Super ego, which is the creator of the eternal world.  Family is a very important element in the search for the eternal world.  According to some authors, it is the mother who takes the lead role in the family, but should not be neglected role of the father. The society is influencing the development of personality and is a major factor humanely act of humanity the eternal world.


  1. Freud, S. (1920). Beyond the pleasure principle. SE, 18: 1-64.
  2. Freud, S. (1923). The ego and the id. SE, 19: 1-66.
  3. Cultural relativism. Theory of Franz Boaz .
  4. Bowlby, J. (1958). The Nature of the Childs Tie to His Mother. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 39, 350-37.